New Zealand 1971 UNICEF FDC

A$2.50 (C$2.32)
Ship to Canada : A$4.00 (C$3.71)
Total : A$6.50 (C$6.03)
Location : Australia - AUD(A$)
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  • Condition : New
  • Dispatch : 4 Days
  • Brand : None
  • ID# : 222060469
  • Quantity : 1 item
  • Views : 34
  • Location : Australia au flag
  • Seller : ninoP (+8)  
  • Barcode : None
  • Start : Tue 04 Jun 2024 03:56:56 (EDT)
  • Close : Run Until Sold
  • Remain :
    Run Until Sold
ninoP accepts payment via PayPal
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Air Mail International = A$4.00 (C$3.71)

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First Day Cover

Listing Information

Listing TypeGallery Listing
Listing ID#222060469
Start TimeTue 04 Jun 2024 03:56:56 (EDT)
Close TimeRun Until Sold
Starting BidFixed Price (no bidding)
Item ConditionNew
Dispatch Time4 Days
Auto ExtendNo

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