Precancel - Canada, Regina 117-2 Town and city cancel

This Listing Has Now Ended. This listing from shiffert [+3979] ended on Fri 02 Aug 2024 08:27:29 (EDT). If you were involved in this then you can click here to login and view it within My eBid. Alternatively, view more items from the seller now. Public bidding/purchase history can be seen below.
  • Condition : Used
  • Dispatch : More than 4 Days
  • Brand : None
  • ID# : 218955311
  • Barcode : None
  • Start : Fri 15 Sep 2023 20:29:42 (EDT)
  • Close : Fri 02 Aug 2024 08:27:29 (EDT)
  • Remain :
    Listing Closed
shiffert accepts payment via PayPal
International Shipping to Canada International Shipping to Canada for 1 item(s) edit
Not Known = US$4.00 (C$5.42)

Shipping Calculator

Seller's Description

I have done my best to correctly identify the stamp. The images are all 400 dpi. Please verify the cancellation and die types before ordering.

are located in Costa Rica, Central America. The postage reflects shipping from that location. All shipments are via certified mail and tracking numbers are provided.


Shipping costs from 1 -1000 stamps

Central America (excluding Costa Rica)              $3.00

North, South America and the Antilles                 $3.50

Europe                                                                 $4.00

Africa, Asia and Oceania                                     $4.50

Listing Information

Listing TypeGallery Listing
Listing ID#218955311
Start TimeFri 15 Sep 2023 20:29:42 (EDT)
Close TimeFri 02 Aug 2024 08:27:29 (EDT)
Starting BidUS$1.35 (C$1.83)
Item ConditionUsed
Dispatch TimeMore than 4 Days
LocationNorth America
Auto ExtendNo

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