Russian avant-garde in the circle of European culture. In Russian

199,00€ (C$297.33)
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  • Condition : Used
  • Dispatch : Same Day
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  • ID# : 222363076
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  • Start : Mon 24 Jun 2024 10:42:04 (EDT)
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Seller's Description

Russian avant-garde in the circle of European culture. In Russian/Russkiy avangard v krugu evropeyskoy kultury. International Conference. Abstracts and Materials from Moscow, 1993. 198s. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb79e275d6f8fd0116

Listing Information

Listing TypeFree Listing
Listing ID#222363076
Start TimeMon 24 Jun 2024 10:42:04 (EDT)
Close TimeRun Until Sold
Starting BidFixed Price (no bidding)
Item ConditionUsed
Dispatch TimeSame Day
Auto ExtendNo

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