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Thread: Affiliated program is a joke?

  1. #11
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    I understand your viewpoint, and for the half-hearted (amateur) affiliate marketer it has some validity. However, for the professionally-oriented, and full time, affiliate marketers, whilst there are challenges and no easy route, it is a very valid business model. There are plenty of people making 6-digit incomes every month, and a number making that every week.

    Yes you need a "hook" something to bring your readers back regularly - simply having a site full of adverts and no real content doesn't work. Similarly, having a great content site with a bunch of irrelevant adverts tagged on ti it, doesn't work either.

    You have to design the site from the ground up to be an affiliate marketing site, plan the niche and its relevant content, the advert positions (including size and style), the advertisers to use, and most importantly the USPs (Unique Selling Points) that will attract visitors in the first place, then keep them returning. You have to build-in from the outset the outreach programs to jog lapsed readers to return - no use adding them as a site starts to fade (it's too late then) - and above all, you have to have a uniqueness that engages the readers.

    eBid's core weakness right now, despite its longevity, is that it has no real USP - it's just another multi-format, free to list, third-party marketplace. While it is one of the few retaining the auction format, auctions have never been a driving engine on eBid the way they were on the dark side. With Donahoe's determination to wipe out auctions and make fleaBay into another shopping.com or similar, then eBid should be grabbing the bull by the horns and promoting, promoting, promoting auctions.

    Buyers love bargain grabbing, they love the thrill of chasing those bargains, and while it's true the instant gratification mentality has moved into webspace, there are large areas of ecommerce where fixed-price is not the best sales model - used goods, collections of items, "jumble bags", and collectables for example. These are far more suited to auction than to fixed price (unless you're product dumping to clear out as quickly as possible). There is also more competition for fixed price online selling than you could ever imagine - even from the own-site self-builds using shopping carts and buy now buttons - they all compete with fixed price.

    Auctions, however, only work when there is a critical mass of bidders. eBid's forums are full of complaints of lack of bidders and too many sellers. That is a constant for needing to market the auctions side of the house. eBid now has sufficient sellers and inventory to go after the buyer audience, and once those arrive, the seller population will be self-sustaining. That is primarily why I say the affiliate program needs revamped to focus on attracting bidders by providing affiliates with the tools to market existing product inventory on the site, and to capture new buyer audience, not new sellers.

    eBid could do a lot worse than to look at the marketing campaigns of reverse bidding sites like Swoopo - they never market the membership programs, they only market the bargains - much like eBid did before the switch to the current site version. However, both eBid and Swoopo are not giving affiliates the tools to market the individual products, just the "corporate message".

    Most people nowadays do not trust corporate messaging, they want to get straight to the core - the products offered for sale. How many times have you followed a link to an interesting-looking online product or service, landed on the info page, and immediately looked for the price or fee table before reading what the product features are? I do it many times a day.

    As the old marketing adage says - "don't sell the sausage, sell the sizzle" and for ecommerce, the "sizzle" is the opportunity to grab a bargain, to pluck a gem of a purchase from the mists of over-inventoried obscurity, and to beat everyone else by winning it at below a price that was your maximum. Again, more reasons why the affiliate program must switch to the auction focus, and provide affiliates with a route to promoting the listed items, not the seller membership.

    In the long run, eBid will make more money from success fees and listing upgrade fees, than they ever will from seller registration fees. But only if they promote those fee earning pathways - by letting affiliates market the goods listed for sale on the site. And by affiliates, I mean the "pro-affiliates", not just the mid-level semi-pros like myself with a portfolio of websites, and the supporting servers (ad management, ad network, newsletter, marketing email etc) to support distribution of adverts, retention of readers, and acquisition of fresh eyeballs.

    One of my online associates (a fellow affiliate marketer) has more page views per month on his sites than eBay worldwide and Amazon worldwide combined, and his viewer action rate is around 5% of page loads - which is a phenomenal level - most people are running at under 0.5%. It's people like him that eBid need to be attracting, and the current program is of zero interest to him, because he cannot "niche-it" - it is too general for successful marketing.

    C'mon Gazza and Mark, wake up and listen to the people you're trying to persuade to market the site - give them the tools to do it.


  2. #12
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    I have been an affiliate of ebid through clixgalore for about for about 3 years now. I regularly make $100- $200 every month, which I get paid on time every time. There was a lull in what I made in the summer, but I re-wrote the page I was using to promote it and last month I made $83 and this month it will be $160 - so far.

    I make more money from their affiliate program than I do selling things on ebid, I always have. So I would say the affiliate program is far from a joke! I have just added some links to earn buddy points - I have my eye on getting a new laptop!


  3. #13
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    Hi Paul

    That's interesting - I have to assume then, that you've found a way to feed eBid products into your websites and attach your affiliate ID to them?

    A few of us on here are still trying to figure out how to do that. Any chance of sharing with us?


  4. #14
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    The way I have done it is to write a page that blatantly promotes ebid and compares it to feebay. I did my keyword research before writing and have given lots of information about how they differ. The good thing about the ebid affiliate program is it is free to join, so it is an easy sell.

    It is a shame you can't use products with your affiliate link attached, I have no idea how to do that.


  5. #15
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    Just thought about what you said earlier -

    You're saying that you're introducing 50-100 Seller+ members per month to eBid
    Plus, Lord knows how many sellers with a lower subscription/membership level - likely somewhere in the ratio of 1 paid for a minimum of 10 non-paid subscriptions,
    plus all those who take no further action after the click through - let's say you're getting the average conversion rate of 0.5%

    So that's around 200 x (50-100) = 10,000 to 20,000 visitors per month to your eBid promo page on your website?
    With that sort of traffic on one webpage, why in hell are you promoting eBid from it? There are far more lucrative programs you could be running in that same online real estate.

    Makes me question the validity of your claim about $100-200 a month off the eBid affiliate program, not that I'm outright saying you're lying, but if I had a single fixed outline page (with or without dynamic content) pulling that sort of traffic, I'd not be using it to promote eBid as I could be making 10 times more from other programs.

    What's the Google PR and AlexaRank on that page? (Remembering Google PR is for the single page, whereas Alexa is for the site as a whiole).


  6. #16
    Forum Saint Juliebabe25's Avatar
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    Some good detective work there Gaz.

    Its great that he is bringing that many seller+ members to ebid each month. That is quite a commitment from those new members.

    Kazoom must have a VERY popular website or blog.

  7. #17
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    Hi Julie

    Personally, I'd prefer he was bringing that many BUYERS / Browsers per month - eBid is at that critical point (and has been for a long while) where the buzz regarding the site needs to be that sellers are making fortunes from the surplus of buyers. Additional sellers will then naturally follow. The main affiliate marketing way to achieve this is to provide the tools to support the existing sellers products getting hawked into every nook and cranny of the internet, not to try and pull every seller out of the darkest mould-infested woodwork corners of it.

    The buyer to seller ratio needs a bit of rebalancing. Since 2006, the focus has been on acquiring new sellers, and particularly those disgruntled with fleabay. This year is the fifth year of that focus, I'd now much prefer the focus swung back to acquiring non-selling buyers, and the sellers who do buy as well as sell, and a lot less focus on trying to attract the sellers who only sell but never buy. If a "buyer's market" reputation cannot be achieved, this site is always going to have an "oh, and I also sell on ..." reputation.

    Please Gazza and Mark - swing the affiliate program (or expand it) to giving focus on the individual listings and products for sale on the site. Right now, it'd be the best thing you ever did with eBid marketing.


  8. #18
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    Hi Gaz,

    I have a 10% click through rate. The page is written specifically for Ebid it has a google pagerank of 4 and is aimed at Feebay sellers. If I could write another page that sent people through to a more lucrative program I would! I have spent hours trying to do so and have never managed to do so. I just happened to hit it right with Ebid. For all the stories about making thousand a month on affiliate programs, I know for a fact it isn't easy. In over 10 years of trying to promote affiliate programs, ebid's one has been the only one I have had any success with. In fact I have just about given up affiliate marketing.

    Getting people to Ebid to buy is a different game all together, as it is getting them to buy anything. The reason it is easy to get people to sign up to eBid is it costs them nothing to join and try to sell on here. Most of those coming to my page are selling on Feebay and are fed up with their charges. So Ebid is an easy sale. They nearly all come via google.

  9. #19
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    Paul, you don't get paid for people who sign up for seller accounts that "cost them nothing". You only get paid for the sellers who sign up for the Seller+ account and part with their $50 or £50 for a lifetime membership.

    That's one reason why the semi and full pro affiliate marketers don't bother with it - there's no "return value" in the program - it's a one hit wonder per transaction, with no incentive for that commission causer to return to the affiliate's site. They go once, read the info, click the link, sign up for eBid, then have no reasdn to return to the affiliate's site again - and for a measly One Pound, that's a very wasted piece of digital real estate and click for the affiliate. Affiliates want to have a reason for click actioners to return again and again to the affiliate's site - they want to finesse further revenues from the known active site visitor.

    When i was in financial services, we had a sales motto "Someone who buys once is a customer, someone who buys several times is a client" - as an etailer, but more particularly as an affiliate marketer, I'd rather have clients than customers - eBid don't give me the tools or programs to do that. The dark side does. And I have entire websites built around their affiliate program, where I provide the meat and potatoes content, and they provide the gravy via product adverts fed with dynamic updates direct to each visitor's page load.

    In 2010, any one of my fleabay affiliate marketing sites generated more GMV via affiliate links for the dark side, than my total GMV as a seller on eBid since joining them eight years ago. That is how I can say with authority, that it's time the eBid affiliate program switched to a product focus instead of a selling membership focus. eBid needs more buyers - give us the tools to market the inventory on the site, and we'll get those buyers for you.


  10. #20
    Forum Diehard Brunwulf's Avatar
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    Hi Gaz, You do also get paid for just buyers that join as well as sellers and seller+ members that join.

    I also get about the same numbers as Paul. its dam hard to do so i congratulate you Paul for all the new sellers and buyers you are introducing to eBid. Keep up the good work.
    Last edited by jimbo750; 19th January 2011 at 03:16 PM.

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