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Thread: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

  1. #71
    Forum Saint sidthelamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by westlondoncarparts View Post
    Further to the last post, the English version of the Treaty of Rome can be found here:

    If you want to really research the roots and the blue print for the EU heres a taste and pay particular attention to and research the writings of Walter Funk .

    In the cd “The Nazis and Fascists who founded the European Union”…Rodney Atkinson tells the detailed story of an unmentionable truth — that:
    “The EU was founded and initially led by ‘former’ Nazis and Fascists, as was the Charlemagne Prize awarded to Tony Blair, Edward Heath, Roy Jenkins and others for their role in removing democratic sovereignty from the nation states of Europe.” No wonder, says Atkinson, that the EU has today reproduced the policies and structures of 1940s Europe and shows all the characteristics of a totalitarian anti democratic corporatist Empire — for that is what its fascist founders intended.
    In this speech — delivered at a public meeting held at The House of Commons on Tuesday 26th February 2008 — Atkinson describes in detail the backgrounds of those Nazis and Fascists who were so prominent in founding and supporting that “European Union” which now governs Britain — he describes how, among many others:
    Walter Hallstein, a “Nazi Leadership Officer” who promoted Nazism in Universities and the Law became the First President of the European Commission in 1957.
    Paul Henri Spaak openly rejected the democracies in favour of the fascist powers and warned the Allies not to attack Germany through Belgium. He became a Founding Father of the European Union.
    Walter Funk was a Minister under Goebbels at the Nazi Propaganda Ministry and as [the] Reich’s Economics Minister was responsible for dispossessing Jews of their property. He wrote the economic blueprint for a united Europe adopted by the European Union. He was employed in the Lower Saxony Education Ministry from 1957 to 1960.
    Hans Josef Globke drafted the Nuremburg Race Laws and then became Director of the German Chancellor’s Office from 1953 to 1963 when the European Economic Community was created.
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  2. #72

    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    I think it is time that TIPP and its associated topics had a thread of their own, if you please folks. This is all getting a long way off from the original topic and I can only see it expanding in scope as other EU topics are added.

    So, perhaps Sid, if you wouldn't mind, a new thread should be started and maybe some of these posts copied over there?

  3. #73
    Forum Saint sidthelamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele View Post
    I think it is time that TIPP and its associated topics had a thread of their own, if you please folks. This is all getting a long way off from the original topic and I can only see it expanding in scope as other EU topics are added.

    So, perhaps Sid, if you wouldn't mind, a new thread should be started and maybe some of these posts copied over there?
    no its very much on topic the history and current policy that has and will effect power generation in the uk and eu giving a sound back ground to what the causes are , corporate takeovers in the power and fuel industries will be very much in the forefront of who provides the infrastructure for delivery of power, who generates power, and will these new corporate bodies supply power that we need, will big business which will be deregulated have the incentive, the morals and indeed the ability to provide power above the interests of its shareholders,as your original title to this thread states power blackouts in less than 3 years, we have already seen that the other half of the TIPP partner in relation to power supply in some of its own states has failed the people, a point you yourself brought to the forum a couple of years ago. the TIPP trade agreement is very much at the forefront of supplying the uk with power over the next 3 years. so there
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  4. #74

    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by sidthelamp View Post
    no its very much on topic the history and current policy that has and will effect power generation in the uk and eu giving a sound back ground to what the causes are , corporate takeovers in the power and fuel industries will be very much in the forefront of who provides the infrastructure for delivery of power, who generates power, and will these new corporate bodies supply power that we need, will big business which will be deregulated have the incentive, the morals and indeed the ability to provide power above the interests of its shareholders,as your original title to this thread states power blackouts in less than 3 years, we have already seen that the other half of the TIPP partner in relation to power supply in some of its own states has failed the people, a point you yourself brought to the forum a couple of years ago. the TIPP trade agreement is very much at the forefront of supplying the uk with power over the next 3 years. so there
    Then you have already made your point and there is no need to raise the subject again.

  5. #75

    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    Further to comments I posted yesterday about the UK original entry into what was then the European Economic Community, prior to the 1975 Referendum the UK Government funded the distribution of a leaflet presenting the Government’s case to stay in. The government also provided funding for the Yes campaign to produce and distribute a leaflet and for the No campaign to produce and distribute a leaflet. These three leaflets went to every household in the UK. The Yes and No campaign organisations were independent of the Government.

    These leaflets contained only highlights of the arguments for and against but were sufficient to trigger debates about the arguments and for the electorate to find out more.

    Copies of the leaflets can be found here:

    Also as I said yesterday, none of the evolutionary changes that have taken place between then and now resulting in the current European Union have been forced upon the UK but have been achieved with the agreement of all member nations of the EU including the various UK Governments.

    In fact when Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan were trying to break the Soviet Union, it was the UK that was in the driving seat trying to get Eastern European countries into the European Community with Margaret Thatcher wanting to prise them away from the influence of the Soviet Union. The EU has so many countries in it now primarily due to these past British efforts to expand it. If the UK does not like the number of inward work migrants from Eastern Europe that we have here now, the UK electorate should remember that it was inevitable that the UK would receive large numbers of these workers unless the EU movement of labour rules were changed. Nobody did change them and the British have only their own past Governments to blame if they do not like the current situation where the level of EU migrants has put pressure on the housing market and public services and the downward wages spiral (when inflation is taken into account) that we currently have in the UK. UK Governments were the main driving force behind bringing these people into what is now the EU.

    This clip showing an interaction in the European Parliament between Nigel Farage and Tony Blair when he was European Council President in 2005 is indicative of how some British politicians behave one way when they are in London and in another way when they are in Brussels and Strasbourg.


    The human condition is that people rarely learn from past mistakes but if there is one lesson to learn from the EU evolution it is that our British Governments are not necessarily staffed with people who are good or competent at what they are paid to do or are in touch with the electorate’s wishes or can do joined up thinking. The general electorate need to be constantly on each Government’s case. It is the fault of successive Governments that we have been approaching a potential crisis point in the UK’s energy security position and we cannot just sit back and let them get on with it because there is always the possibility that they will keep missing the ball. We do all need individually and in our various communities to keep putting direct pressure on our elected MPs to get the energy situation sorted out adequately.

  6. #76

    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    Britain unprepared for severe blackouts, secret Government report reveals

    Exclusive: Increased death rates, rising public disorder and high-risk criminals on the loose among the likely consequences of prolonged power cuts, official assessment shows

    Britain is unprepared for prolonged blackouts, with increased death rates, rising public disorder and high-risk criminals on the loose among the likely consequences if major energy networks are seriously damaged, a secret Government security assessment has found.

    The UK's contingency plans for severe power cuts are based on numerous flawed or untested assumptions and need to be revised, according to documents obtained by the Telegraph.

    The assessment, codenamed Exercise Hopkinson, examined what would happen if a severe storm knocked out crucial energy infrastructure in south west England, plunging two million homes into darkness for up to two weeks.

    Transport networks would be paralysed and emergency services would struggle to cope, fuel to run backup generators may be inaccessible and the dead may not be buried, it found.

    The assessment, which involved officials from all key departments and major industries, took place this summer following 12 months of preparation.

    It was designed to ensure emergency power plans were “fit for purpose”.

    Instead it “exposed the fact that, where contingency plans against power disruption exist, some of those plans are based on assumption rather than established fact”, according to a report of the exercise, distributed privately last month.

    “Populations are far less resilient now than they once were," it concluded. "There is likely to be a very rapid descent into public disorder unless Government can maintain [the] perception of security.”

    Any central Government response to the crisis may be too slow, arriving “after the local emergency resources and critical utility contingency measures had already been consumed”. Departments needed to revise “critical facets” of their plans, it found.

    MORE: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/eart...t-reveals.html

  7. #77
    Forum Saint sidthelamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    Just got back from the Alps in france today total white out, but no power outs, had to get the train to Zurich to get back ( electric train ) seems a lot of power round there is hydro generated,
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