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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #20201

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hello cocktailers and music lovers!
    Wow, must say everyone has posted such brill choons, I have really enjoyed listening to them all.

    I haven't been around much these last few days, I have had a rotten attack of vertigo which has knocked me flat.
    I have had to stay put on the sofa during the day or risk bouncing off the walls or falling down. I think someone swapped my head for a marshmallow!
    Happy to say that the headaches have subsided and I'm feeling a lot better today.
    I have even started nagging JR again, he is so glad to have me almost back to my old self...lol!!!

    It's been a beautiful day here in sunny Suffolk, although there was a bit of a chilly wind. JR and I sat out this afternoon in our little shelter that he made for us.

    I visited the greenhouse and was delighted to see all the seedlings that have grown so much these last few days. Lupins, Sweet Peas, Marigolds, Cosmos and many more are ready to be planted out soon - just need to find a suitable place for them all!
    JR has taken dozens of cuttings from our Red Rondo grape vine which have rooted, and we now have enough to start our own vineyard!
    We also have lots of veggies and salad stuff growing away. We also have an apple tree and cherry tree and tons of strawberry plants and raspberry canes and a redcurrant bush. JR sold our plum tree a while ago as these last few years the fruits were inedible, a tiny worm thing in almost every one and a horrible brown centre around the seed. (Codling moth I think).

    Pos, the best time to transplant your daffs and tulips is in late summer/early autumn, but you can do it earlier. You must wait until all the foliage has died back and yellowed, and all the energy has gone back into the bulb. It's really an unsightly mess of foliage until then, but you will reap the benefits next spring.
    What a magnificent Dane, such a noble doggie, love his face!

    Wyo, snow? Yikes, you sure do have some adverse weather over in your neck of the woods. Ever likely Sadie was none too pleased about it!
    I don't suppose there is any chance of a sample of your bread is there? We are running a bit short here as we cannot book a supermarket delivery slot and JR and I are high risk to picking up the coronavirus bug and we cannot leave the house to shop. Luckily, we have family that will drop off any essential supplies that we run out of if needs must.

    Penni, try again to post your doggy pics, would love to see them.

    Books, as ever, thanks for the choons, sorry I missed the virtual party whilst I was somewhat 'indisposed' - we must do it again! Keep bring the music, son!

    Hello to everyone else who pops in to the lounge, you are more than welcome to play choons on the juke-box, it's on free play!
    Also, the bar is open, please form an orderly line to get your drinks and snacks - and remember to keep 2 metres apart at least.
    No need to pay cash - just leave a toilet roll in the collection box by the front door.
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  2. #20202

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey, y'all

    I'm going to try to "catch up" with everybody, so grab yourself a tall cold drink

    Getting online period has been hard due to all the rain we have been having which "drowns" out my satellite signal. It has really been messing up my creek so I've been doing lots of work down there - sandbars forming and causing erosion on the opposite bank, especially on the hunter's property where two trees are almost washed out and will be at my place (on top of the workshop) if they don't get them cut soon. I called the "owner" a couple of weeks ago and he assured me that he had insurance to cover any damages. That was a lie because 3 days later, here came a local insurance agent to check out the place so insurance could be put on it. I get that all it is to them is a "get away from the wife, shoot guns, drink beer" place and they could care less how their lack of care for the property can affect others, but it's getting real old! About 2 weeks later the owner came up with his family and it took 3 times of asking before he would come and talk about the trees. Actually there was no talking on his part - just moaning and groaning (with more than enough swear words to make a sailor blush) because "All I ever do here is fix things and never have time to come up here and hunt. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?" I quietly told him that a "good neighbor" was one who took care of things on their property that could have an adverse affect on the neighbor next door and to get the trees cut! I saw him a week later hauling off one of the campers so I have no idea what is going on - except the trees are still there needing taken down. Since the dirt behind the tap roots has now washed out more than a foot, I've increased my insurance coverage and every time it storms (lots of tornadoes in the area recently) I just Pray that the wind blows them backwards on to his place. Grrr...... rant over!!

    Happy to hear that everyone is being cautious and as of each "last post" are virus free! Praying that you all stay that way...

    POSBEAR - Glad to hear you kicked the "yuck" right out the door! If it comes back, just give it a big ole Posbear growl so it knows it is not welcome in your house. I liked reading the names on your bottles of "cure", all though "Deerstalker" was a bit strange. Being a deer hunter, I know the lengths that some go to to attract deer and all I could think was "Ewww, what the heck did they use to make that?" LOL!!!

    In the video below (Grand Ole Opry) there is a "train song" from a bit different perspective. Hope you like it! What a darlin' little Birthday Girl you've got and that note was "priceless"!!! Your "F-bomb" song was hilarious! I'm not much into swearing, but there are times when nothing makes me feel better than to drop the F-bomb - lol!

    You've got some gorgeous views at your place and I loved your farm scene!!! I'd love to do something like that, but THAT would be all I ever got done.....

    I've got "onion fumes" in my eyes too seeing your Dane picture. I used to breed black Danes and if this wasn't getting so long already, I'd dig out a picture of me with one litter of 14 pups and post it - yes, I said 14 in one litter - lol!!!!

    TRISH - all I can do is shake my head in amazement over how you and JR have been though the mill with health issues and still manage to "keep your pecker up" as my G-Gma used to say. Using whiskey for sanitizer is a great idea, but you're not the only one to have it - this was the first one and they were giving it away. There have been several others do the same since.


    I'm sure it's hard not to be able to give those kids and babies hugs (and poor Lucia with her hormones in a mess) but "better safe than sorry"!

    I've only been out with the metal detector one time and the only thing of any value I found was a 1987 penny! Kinda hard to split that up - lol!! But, it was a good learning experience and I'll go again soon as I get a chance.

    WYO - like me, you don't have much "tushie" to fall on - hope you are well recovered by now. How is your son doing? Here's a choon for your family:

    Love your Sunbonnet pot holders! And the one with the license plate fabric brought back some memories!! They used to give away license plate key rings in some kind of cereal and my grandma (in CO) gave them to me - looked just like the little plates on the fabric. I vote for purple too How on earth did Sadie get that splinter?? That ruler is just like the one Buster ate that made me very nervous! But "everything" came out okay "in the end". Buster likes the mud too and most days, I have to take him to the creek for a "wash off" before we can go back in the house. Buster will be 1 year old next month but that picture of Sadie with the sticks tells me he's not going to give them up - if he can't find one on the ground, he breaks a branch off my bushes. And why am I NOT surprised that you are making face masks?? If it gets to the point that we have to wear one, I'm gonna try the bandana, hair band kind that you can make in less than 5 minutes.

    BOOKS - I didn't "get" your first quiz - tried really hard but then when I saw your answer I was like "Well, no wonder!" I'd never heard of the song or the group - LOL!! Alligator is very good - tastes similar to chicken. Of course, since the "Swamp People" show came out I want to go to LA and catch one - okay, I'll just ride along and watch them catch - lol!

    HER MAJESTY - if you were all dressed up to come to the Lounge, we need to see a picture of you in your Royal attire!!

    Well, don't you know - I decide after 20 years of "hibernation" to get involved with the community and along comes COVID-19!! So far, Wayne County (800 square miles big) has 2 reports of the virus but everybody is being sensible and taking precautions and hopefully being so rural is a deterrent to the virus spreading. I did go to town about a month ago to stock up before we went into "Safer at Home" and they were out of only 2 items on my list, but the other grocery in town had them so I'm "good to go" for a while (can't run out of Pepsi!!). No one that I talked to seemed to be in a panic - even though the precautions and changes that are being implemented are affecting "business as usual", I just saw folks taking things in stride. The WCHH 10th Annual Celebration Banquet (3 April) has been postponed. I was in charge of gathering together items from all over the County for their Silent Auction so now that leaves me more time to clean out the house and gather items for the Yard Sale fundraiser I'm organizing. I'm still laughing over the fact that I said in my application "Will help with fundraisers but do not want to be in charge"???? LMBO!!!

    It's been a sad time for country music fans, as we've lost Kenny Rogers (natural causes) If you're a Kenny Rogers fan, here's a list of all his songs to choose from - I can't decide on what my favorite is to share with you. https://music.youtube.com/channel/UC...jARcKaDbJAld8A

    and Joe Diffie (Covid-19). I'm sure I wore out at least one pair of boots to this one (and I SO wish I had that kind of energy to dance like that all night long!)

    I had a feral cat coming around here for a while - just acting like he owned the place! I didn't see him for a while and then I realized I also had a red fox visiting. We had a stare down out in the yard one night and I went to check the chickens - he had got the tail feathers of one of my roosters and made Jack (my Great Pyr) so mad that Jack broke his chain and had gotten tangled up around some trees. The next two days I noticed damage to my chicken coops where it had tried to get in so off I went to borrow a fox trap (wire box type, not harmful). I set it out - nicely baited with some greasy fried chicken, locked up my outdoor cats and later in the evening I noticed the trap had been sprung. Went out to check and there was that dang feral cat in the trap! I had enough problems getting the trap in the back of the truck with just the cat in it - don't know what I'm gonna do if I actually catch the fox, but I haven't seen any sign of him or further damage to the coops the past couple of days, so hopefully he was just passing through. But, to be on the safe side, I'm setting out some chicken and will bait the trap tomorrow and hopefull if he's still around he will get caught. I'm considering putting the trap in the back of my truck before setting it - if the chicken is enticing enough, he'll jump up in there and get it, then all I have to do is put the tailgate up and drive him off.

    To end on a positive note with some music: The Grand Ole Opry has never missed a show in the 94 years it has existed. I watched the 4,916th consecutive Saturday night show, which was broadcast on television without any audience. Not only is Nashville (actually 16 counties in what is considered the "Nashville area") being hit hard with the virus, on 3 March they had 3 tornadoes go through and one was 56 miles long. They were EF 3 & 4 rated, so you can imagine the damage that occurred that was just starting to be cleaned up when the virus hit. It was a very inspiring show - mostly older music about getting through "hard times" so I hope it will inspire all of you also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ6-...ature=youtu.be

    Thanks for the choons, everybody! I didn't get them all listened to because folks keep talking about food and I'm getting hungry!! I'd got to missing Dad's Pizziara Chicken Ranch pizza, so I created an even better version here at home. I was going to take a picture of it to share but forgot until I'd ate half of it and didn't want to "serve" leftovers. I'm craving one now but am out of bacon bits....oh, well! I'm going to need to go to town sometime this week and they are on the list.

    Y'all take care!


  3. #20203

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Another lovely sunny day here in Suffolk, but very windy with a cold wind from the NE.
    I managed to get the washing pegged out on the line today, but as it was mostly bedding, the sheets took off and ended up all over the hedge at the bottom of the garden.
    I was grateful that they wern't soiled and also hadn't flown over the hedge into the lane!

    JR and I had our usual little pre-dinner drink 'session' in the shelter that he made for us. The radio was on, dogs playing about, sun on my face and out of the wind - just paradise!

    I heard a couple of songs that actually saddened me - made me realise how much I miss not having the kids around.
    So - I had an idea! (Ouch!).

    Why don't we post choons on here that mean something to us all ?

    I will start off with my dear late parents favourites and I always think of them when I hear these songs.

    Mums ...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFOv73b0GKo

    Dads ...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enIdTGckjKs

    First born baby (Tracey) ..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEhkM3X_teQ

    2nd baby (Debbie) - she played this over and over on our juke box when we kept the New Inn down in Cornwall ..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf5cr8glyFg

    3rd baby (Teagan) ..... First one was constantly playing on the radio when I was in Treliske Hospital Truro, waiting to give birth to her, the second one was her favourite song when she used to dance for us when she was little! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcA9LIIXWw , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDYa6iubHTU

    4th baby (Lucia) ..... Ahh, my little Butterfly. She had her heart broken by a brown eyed handsome man, she was too young to cope. She did take him back again, only for him to break her heart again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLcbfF9ypmM

    5th baby (Dominic) ..... Can't help but laugh at this - Dominic was a teenage hellraiser, so funny - he cracked me up with his rendition of this ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmin5WkOuPw

    JR ..... Cannot listen to this without thinking of me old man! He loves this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7f189Z0v0Y

    My best friend Gill at the last pub that we kept ..... she loved this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1EpaboCERg

    Finally, mine! ......OOh, this is hard! I think that this sums me up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-M2jSzLBzK4
    but as I just love Tina - my absolute heroine - this one too. What a total brilliant performer ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC5E8ie2pdM
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  4. #20204

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    SHES! Oh, welcome back - we have missed you so much.
    It took me so long to write and post my message above - I was interrupted as I had two phone calls from daughters 1 & 2, bless them.
    I'm too tired now and very hungry as I haven't eaten yet, so I will reply to your post tomorrow.
    So glad to have you around,
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  5. #20205

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Some great tunes from everyone again. It never ceases to amaze me just how much music there is out there even after all these years listening to, playing to people & selling.

    I like your idea Trish so after a little bit of a ponder here's my selection.

    Mum: She was not a big music buyer or listener but every now and then she would say to me you have to buy this record. This was one of the first she ever asked for.

    Dad: Listened to even less music than Mum. So he really didn't have a favourite. So I have chosen one that whenever I hear it I get a real lump in my throat and think about him. I really miss both Mum & Dad they were truly great parents you even though I didn't realise it at the time taught me so much.

    Ben: My lad who is such an amazing young man who has learnt to cope so well with his autism, deafness & tinnitis. These last few weeks we have become even closer and I am truly grateful for this. This tune takes me back to 1986 the year he was born and me getting up with him in the early hours for nappy changing duty or a bottle feed. At the time there used to be one TV channel that played all night rock music, this one always grabbed his attention even at only a few months old.

    Katie: my daughter who keeps on amazing me with how she has turned into a beautiful and intelligent young woman. She has had disappointments in love yet has come through after many tears. Having worked in care for many years after leaving school she decided a couple of years back to go to University as a mature student and his doing so well enjoying herself, even having a laugh at "the young uns" This tune was the very first single she asked me to bring home for her when we had our shop. The opening line is something she as had said to her a few times poor girl.

    Paul: One of my best friends from school who sadly drowned whilst serving in the army out in Belieze. This song came on the radio just after I was told of his passing.

    Tez: Another of my mates who died far too early who introduced me to the delights of this band and used to sing along to this track in his very broad Nottinghamshire accent. We had some great nights.

    Jenny: My love of my life, my best mate who rescued me from being a miserable git after my first wife left me, (we married far too young). Jenny was a friend of a friend of my first wife who I had met before but never took much notice of. Then several months after our split Jenny walked into our local pub with her mate and that was it, we chatted and after a few days I rang her up and here we are all these years (40) married for almost 37. This song is one that I played to her after returning from a previously booked holiday to Canada
    that was on the radio all the time over there.

    That was a bit of an emotional roller coaster. How about my own choice you might well ask. It's impossible to really choose. So instead I will pick one that was played at another of my mates funerals that both Jenny & myself thought was very apt as he was a larger than life character both physical and in spirit. I'm pleased to have encouraged him (Steve) to go and see this band with me and some others even though he said "I don't like folk music" The band became one of his favourites and this his favourite song.

    So there we are let's see some more folks selections. As for me I will keep on listening to music as long as I live and the above song will most likely be played when they finally
    send me off to where ever.

  6. #20206
    Forum Diehard yellerbelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Just here catching up as wide awake due to falling asleep earlier, loved listening to some of the tunes especially the Tina Turner, in fact I scrolled down the list of songs on and found my favourite one 'What's love got to do with it', sat here singing along with it and when I'm driving if it comes on the radio up the volume goes, I join in and the head starts rocking, anybody driving behind me must see a grey long haired woman having a fit behind the wheel.�😁😁😁 think I'll put my Tina Turner LP on tomorrow while cleaning, yes you read it right LP. So behind that is why I do not know how to put link in for tunes. My taste in music is wide, love the country music and sad to hear that Kenny Rogers has passed away missed it on the news, not surprising though is it!!!!. Another favourite of mine is Meat Loaf's 2 out of Three aint Bad, but told family I want Bat out of Hell when I 'pop my clogs'.

    My mum used to sing Que sera sera to me when I was growing up, guess she knew something I didn't, seemed to be the story of my life, now there is another song title. Also remember the Spanish Eyes

    Like you booksntings every time I hear In the Living Years it brings a lump to my throat and the same sentiments as yourself regarding parents. Fog on the Tyne well I've not heard that for a while.

    Other songs I loved was Wide eyed and Legless by Amen Corner, and watching Andy Fairweather-Low sing was like watching a ventriloquist missing his puppet but what a voice.

    Oh the memories, takes me back, lets face it how many of you when listening to the radio 'can name that tune' with-in the first few beats, I bet quite a few, doubt the younger generation of today will be able to do that. They have missed out on a lot, especially listening to Childrens Favourites on a Saturday Morning who remembers I'm a Pink Toothbrush, and the one that went 'I saw a mouse, where, there on the stairs, right there, a little mouse with clogs on going clip clipity clock on the stairs@ no I am not drunk, alcohol hasn't touched my lips for days, think it must be the lockdown getting to me,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 next I will be arguing with myself.
    Last edited by babushska; 22nd April 2020 at 01:03 AM.

  7. #20207
    Forum Saint Maelbrigda's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    For my mum it was Elvis but particularly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XVdtX7uSnk
    Dad cream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt51rITH3EA
    my son ( who was named after Sid Vicious) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6GDdKrQ8EI
    zoe - daughter 1 who at the age of 4 came to Reading festival with us and loved this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtnCcWOS7y8
    siobhan - daughter 2 Terence Trent D'Arby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlmKCj03fHw
    Ami - my youngest Bon Jovi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6oyujbaw1E
    Pete my hubby Elton - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlPlfCy1urI
    and me - loved this group so much -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elr2KQs9Ffk
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    Please have a look. I combine postage wherever possible.

  8. #20208

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Quote Originally Posted by babushska View Post
    Just here catching up as wide awake due to falling asleep earlier, loved listening to some of the tunes especially the Tina Turner, in fact I scrolled down the list of songs on and found my favourite one 'What's love got to do with it', sat here singing along with it and when I'm driving if it comes on the radio up the volume goes, I join in and the head starts rocking, anybody driving behind me must see a grey long haired woman having a fit behind the wheel.� think I'll put my Tina Turner LP on tomorrow while cleaning, yes you read it right LP. So behind that is why I do not know how to put link in for tunes. My taste in music is wide, love the country music and sad to hear that Kenny Rogers has passed away missed it on the news, not surprising though is it!!!!. Another favourite of mine is Meat Loaf's 2 out of Three aint Bad, but told family I want Bat out of Hell when I 'pop my clogs'.

    My mum used to sing Que sera sera to me when I was growing up, guess she knew something I didn't, seemed to be the story of my life, now there is another song title. Also remember the Spanish Eyes

    Like you booksntings every time I hear In the Living Years it brings a lump to my throat and the same sentiments as yourself regarding parents. Fog on the Tyne well I've not heard that for a while.

    Other songs I loved was Wide eyed and Legless by Amen Corner, and watching Andy Fairweather-Low sing was like watching a ventriloquist missing his puppet but what a voice.

    Oh the memories, takes me back, lets face it how many of you when listening to the radio 'can name that tune' with-in the first few beats, I bet quite a few, doubt the younger generation of today will be able to do that. They have missed out on a lot, especially listening to Childrens Favourites on a Saturday Morning who remembers I'm a Pink Toothbrush, and the one that went 'I saw a mouse, where, there on the stairs, right there, a little mouse with clogs on going clip clipity clock on the stairs@ no I am not drunk, alcohol hasn't touched my lips for days, think it must be the lockdown getting to me,藍藍藍藍藍 next I will be arguing with myself.

    Here you go babushska hopefully this works.

  9. #20209

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hello everyone -
    Oh my, what absolutely great music you have all chosen, and it's lovely and very interesting to read about why you chose them.

    Books, that was kind of you to put the links in for babushka ... and I just loved your choices and wonderful reasons why you chose them. Never heard the Queen one before, and my mum also liked Jim Reeves very much. She also loved Roy Orbison and came to watch Jerry 'Orbison' Grant with me (JR was his bass player up until 1981 when we left Stoke to keep our pub down in Cornwall.)

    Babushka ! (I love the image I have of you in my mind, rocking away whilst driving - good on yer girl!) ... and yes, I do remember the toothbrush song and windmill in Amsterdam. Lol! I'm with you with regards to Tina, what a performer, what a voice , what a dancer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1Z0SsFHMwk

    Penni, I also love Guns N'Roses, especially November Rain. Superb choices, I enjoyed them all.

    Shes! My dear pal, what a hard, busy, adventurous active life you lead! I sit back - eyes wide with wonderment - imagining you taking on all those tasks!
    Oh, what images I have of you wearing out your boots dancing the night away to Joe Diffie. What a handsome dude he was!
    Hope that you manage to keep the chickens safe, and if that darn red fox does show up again, you manage to trap him.
    Hmm, not a very good excuse for not sharing your Pizziara chicken ranch pizza - whaddya mean you ate half of it? Doncha know that we have to share all cullinary creations here? (Especially with me, I so love American type home-made foods, as dear Wyo will substantiate!) Begging bowl is always ready!

    Signing off now, just got to load the washer for tomorrow, then try and tempt myself to eat. I served up cottage pie, onion gravy and veg earlier for JR but I don't really fancy mine. I think I prefer something a little spicier and hotter .... like a Mexican

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  10. #20210
    Forum Diehard yellerbelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Thanks books for highlighting those for me, Also a fan of Bon Jovi along with The Eagles and Bruce Springsteen.

    I bought a CD from Meebo which I still have by Pam Ayres and in it she tells of cooking in her Kitchen and dancing to Springsteen, I saw Pam Ayres telling this same story on stage along with the actions and had to laugh because it was like I was watching myself. Hope the picture of me rocking in the car was not too traumatic for you. Another Roy Orbison fan here also and the travelling Wilberries. Not able to do so much dancing in the kitchen at the moment as the knees are playing up and due to the lockdown unable to go for acupuncture at the college in Lincoln, times like this I need a stair lift.!!!!!

    Trish you say in your posts that you ran a pub in Stoke back in the 80's, you never know I may have come across you as I worked as a collector for a company who leased fruit machines to pubs and often had to travel to Stoke to cover for holidays also had a friend in Newcastle under Lyme

    Yes agree bland food not interesting, I had pasta with Chillies, cannot beat a hot Mexican (I'm not dead yet)🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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