User Profile > davidgwoodhouse > Their Listings (769)

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Fa 600: 4 Kr. 50 red. Definitive Stamp: Uppsala Cathedral.
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Fa 601: 7 Kr. blue and red. Definitive Stamp: Gripsholm Castle.
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Fa 602 A: 35 ö red World Table-tennis Championships, perf. 12.75 x imperf.
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Fa 604 BB: 10 ö blue and brown Iron-age Artifacts, booklet pair.
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Fa 599 B: 35 ö black-brown and blue Defin.: The Fjeld, p. 12.75, imp. to right.
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Fa 610 A1: 35 ö multicoloured Right-hand Traffic, imperf. x perf. 12.75.

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Summer at Spurn Point
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