Precancel - Bureau - Akron, Ohio - 720-61

US$0.20 (NZ$0.32)
Ship to New Zealand : See Description
Total : See Description
Location : North America - USD(US$)
Prices in NZD(NZ$) are estimates
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US$0.15 (NZ$0.24)
No Reserve
Ship to New Zealand : See Description
Total : See Description
Location : North America - USD(US$)
Prices in NZD(NZ$) are estimates
  • Condition : Used
  • Dispatch : More than 4 Days
  • Brand : None
  • ID# : 223716006
  • Barcode : None
  • Start : Tue 17 Sep 2024 03:20:48 (NZDT)
  • Close : 7 days > 1st bid
  • Remain :
    7 days > 1st bid
shiffert accepts payment via PayPal
International Shipping to New Zealand International Shipping to New Zealand for 1 item(s) edit
Not Known = US$4.00 (NZ$6.43)

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Seller's Description

I am located in Costa Rica, Central America. The postage reflects shipping from that location. All shipments are via certified mail and tracking numbers are provided.


Shipping costs from 1 -1000 stamps

Central America (excluding Costa Rica)              $3.00

North, South America and the Antilles                 $3.50

Europe                                                                 $4.00

Africa, Asia and Oceania                                     $4.50

Listing Information

Listing TypeFree Listing
Listing ID#223716006
Start TimeTue 17 Sep 2024 03:20:48 (NZDT)
Close Time7 days > 1st bid
Starting BidUS$0.15 (NZ$0.24)
Item ConditionUsed
Dispatch TimeMore than 4 Days
LocationNorth America
Auto ExtendNo

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