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All-About-Me Page For radiomanantennas [+1]

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Hereford, Arizona, United States

Listings Running 232

Account Status PLATINUM

eBid Buddy Points 0.611

eBid Member Since 29 Apr 2019

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Some Information About RadiomanAntennas

Giving you a little more insight into the seller.

I am not really experienced with this particular site, but by way of my 20 years on Ebay I have made and sold over 9,000 Ham Radio antennas and have had my licence from the Federal Communications Commission for over 25 years.  I make a very easy-to-use solution for getting on the air quickly and I make every one of these myself, so I am proud of the quality.  Also, because the seller fees here on Ebid are so much more favorable, I have all my listed antennas here at 15% cheaper than they are over on my Ebay store... so if you found me on here, you're already starting out at an advantage!