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All-About-Me Page For lifesphinx [+313]

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Lifesphinx Entity Jewels
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Cville, Indiana, United States

Listings Running 0

Account Status PLATINUM

eBid Buddy Points 0.400

eBid Member Since 14 Sep 2012

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Some Information About lifesphinx

Giving you a little more insight into the seller.

A bit about myself...

I'm a real are welcome to contact me.

I travel the world collecting and dealing with the Strange, the Curious, and the Unusual. I have a very good reputation in the Paranormal Market Houses of Utah-Navada, ShriLanka, Brazil, and the Orient.

My parents, both, whom are Jennings County, Indiana residents, met and married in College during the mid-1960's. They, like many other Peace minded "hippies" hoping to make a difference in the world, joined the PEACE CORPS.

I was born in Ciaro, Egypt, and there I spent the first 7 years of my life. I was named Catusan, by an Egyptian Gypsy my Mother brought in to be my Nanny. She told me Catusan meant: part Cat and part Human. (My Mother tells me if I had been a girl, they were going to name me Amber Sky! Hows that for a real Hip name?) I was given the Christian name of Michael after my Great-Grandfather.

 My Nanny's name was Amrose (Hebrew for Mother), and she gave me my first "SHIN" Ring before I was seven years old. It would be my first experience into the world of the magical.
As a child, I called the Entity...MY SHIN, and I talked to him often. As I grew to adolescence, the name SHIN became Djinn...and I learned his true name. He has been with me throughout my life and I am a firm believer in the Supernatural...I have been since age 12.

I enjoy traveling and was called INDIANA MIKE by my College chums. However, I didn't finish College, instead, I took to adventuring. I travel to the far reaches of our planet...Earth, in search of treasures. I have sand skied in the Libyan Desert looking for rare Tektite. I have doned the cold water scuba diving gear to explore Greenland's off shore shipwrecks, and I have assisted in the recovery and identification of rare artifacts.

I'm often asked about that one event or adventure that stands out from all the rest...I'd have to say that for many years, I took MY SHIN for granted, I hesitated believing, because I had no physical evidence of his existance outside of the Legend and Stories of my Amrose. I wanted badly to see him...and had given up hope to ever see a Genie. I had begun to disbelieve.
Then one morning, as I was barely awake, my upstairs bedroom began to fill with fog. The fog was so thick that I sheilded my eyes and breathed through my shirt, thinking a gas line had burst from somewhere below me or that the house was on fire.
A Fine Sir appeared in that moment when darkness becomes daylight, and he spoke to me. He was dressed in fine red silk and shimmering beads and crystals. He asked me what I was most fearful of.

I will never reveal the rest of the conversation, however can testify that I am a firm believer in the Metephysical. I've been hooked ever since.

My Best to you,


WOW! So many Metephysical Items, particularly DJINN wonder the Consumer is Confused.

I get many E-messages asking me questions...or trying to reference something they had read in an Auction or in a GUIDE.


     An Entity can be quite sartling and will be a life changing event, when you see one for the very first time. The experience will change all that you thought you knew about the the world and life.

I can clarify a few things right up - First of all, I would never want to discredit anyone, and I wont. What a person believes, is his her own choice.

Business is fair trade and everone has a right to make a living.

I do not mass market Entity Jewels, I am more selective and prefer Custome Care.



There is a difference between a Natural Entity and a Conjured One....that speaks for itself. A CONJURED BEING is a bit unstable and can lose its magic and power.

Invocation Spells....? I never heard of one in association with Djinn til Ebay.
Invocation Spells, chants, and ritual magic are for us Humans to aid in meditation, for the Human focus.

With Spiritual Entities, it is a good idea to make a bond...such as a friendship, by whatever method you chose. Simply by words and actions gains trust.

A Djinn doesnt need a Calling Out.

A Djinn has a Common like mine and yours...they are proud of their names...and their names are not a secret.

They suffer the same fate as mankind. They face the same Higher Power.


As we Humans are diverse, so are the Djinn....there are Demon Djinn, Tempestarii Djinn, Celestial Djinn, Vampire Djinn, Sky Djinn, Muhl-Djinn and MANY others thar represent their culture.

They come in all shapes, sizes, and manors.

They are Muslim, Catholic, Christian, Babtist, and other Religions. There are Genies, who are in the public eye...Celebrities, and Political and Spiritual Leaders.

NonBelieving Djinn...dont make them bad. The Class Ifrit, is service or working class.

Often GraveYard found Genies are simply lost after their Master dies...and this is where they hang out!

AS A SELLER, MY NUMBER ONE QUESTION IS...I have seen other sellers sell more than one of the SAME RING!

Remember that the Djinn has an attachment within the STONE...not the mount for which it is set.  MOST Natural Entities cannot become UNBOUND if you resize or exchange the mount.  If you dont like your ring, place the stone in a necklace.  The FAD now is to wear the STONE in a chain around the ankle or belly.

As time passes, the mount deteriorates, and the stone is placed in another mount...often MODERN JEWELRY FINDINGS are mass produced.

I try to select UNIQUE and ONE-of-a-kinds, HOWEVER...In the days of old, it was common place for the MASTER of a HOUSEHOLD to design and gift each member of his household, including staff, concubines and female children with an identifiable token of the HOUSE. Woman of lower class were not allowed to be spoken to, the RING thus would speak in their behalf, such as...Who is it that you belong?  The TOKEN was usually an amulet or a RING. Designed so that the wearer could be readily identified. Stones were selected that were rich with POWERFUL entities, such as Djinn, Fairies and Angel beings.

The GREATER the POSITION in the HOUSEHOLD the more POWERFUL the BEING under your CONTROL.  The greater the HOUSEHOLD the greater the Jewels in design and worth.  THE GREATER THE PRIVILEGE in ROYAL COURT.  THUS AN ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD WITH THE SAME RING!

I have been in the paranormal business for over 20 years, and a keeper of a Djinn since I was 7 years old.

I was born in Ciaro, Egypt to American Parents. My Nanny was Amrose, (Hebrew for Mother) she gave me a gift of a Djinn Ring when I was just a child.  I was named for a Entity that was half Cat and half Human. (CATUSAN)

THE DAY I SAW HIM...changed my life and my beliefs forever.  I was 12 years old.

I have been selling Entity Rings on Ebay since 2004. I am not a Warlock, nor, am I a Vampire. I am not even a Psychic. I do not have a dead Great-Aunt who was a gypsy, Shes in Florida...and very much living!
I do not have a Spiritual Guide. I am a NORMAL person...just like YOU...with a very interesting job.

I travel the world collecting and dealing with the Strange, the Curious, and the Unusual. I have a very good reputation in the Paranormal Market Houses of Utah-Navada, ShriLanka, Brazil, the Orient, a few other places.

Djinn are magical beings. Whereas most mortal humans were formed by the Creator from Earth, and Angels of Light, Djinn were formed from smoke and fire.

Back when, the ONLY people allowed to have Djinn in their possession were the rich and powerful. They were not for the commoner.

Once the Djinn is bound Natural or Conjured, it may either be active or dormant. An active Djinn will perform acts for the master of the object. A dormant Djinn simply adds to the enchantment of the object in some substantial way.

Everyone’s experience is different.

Some Djinn will communicate with their human companions through various thought forms…in dreams, visions, strong feelings, intuition, etc. Some people may actually hear whispers or find themselves knowing things without knowing how they know them. As you grow more comfortable with the various communication methods, so will they.

Some people may get to see their Djinn in human form. One should not automatically expect this. Most likely, you will see them in dreams, as misty manifestations, orbs, streaks of light, or even haze.
Remember, they are invisible to humans and will only make themselves known when they are ready.
You will however, have tangible evidence that they are present. A Djinn’s presence does not often go unnoticed and one can sense when they are around. You might find that all of a sudden you have a new magical gift..ability to tell the future, read minds, cast more powerful spells etc.

Having a Djinn is not a novelty. They enjoy companionship and conversation. They have likes and dislikes.

 They deserve respect. Treat them well and you shall reap the rewards.  

In the Western World the source of information on this subject, apart from the Koran, are the fantastic tales collected together under the name of Thousand and One Nights.
These stories are highly esteemed in the West, and are dated 8th century AD. The legendary stories are from Persia, Egypt, and India, and are Arabian in every detail. The stories are full of magical lore, and even give accounts of magical procedures, and we must refer to them, if we are to be complete.
It is that the earth is surrounded by a great sea, beyond which is the circular Mount Qaf. It rests on the sacred stone Sakrat, the reflected light from which is said to cause the blue colour of the sky; a single grain of this stone is alleged to give magical powers to its possessor.

On our earth there are several classes of beings, besides humanity.
The most frequently mentioned, are the Djinn whose bodies are made of smokeless fire as contrasted with angels whose bodies are composed of light, and Humans, who are composed of Earth and clay.
The Djinn are of various ranks and orders.

The lowest rank belong the JANN who are the least powerful.
The second class is called JINN.
The third class comprises SHAITAN also referred to as GHOUL.
The fourth and powerful class are called IFRIT.
The fifth and most powerful class are the MARID.

The jinn were created two thousand years before Adam; they reproduce their kind and die, but their lives are much longer than those of human beings.
Djinn live amongst men.
The Djinn have certain powers which mankind does not possess.
Most can fly.
They can make themselves invisible, and can also appear in different shapes of animals, plants, clouds, and vapor.
On the other hand they can be controlled by human beings who know how to.
Individual Djinn or groups are often bound to servitude by the possessor of a ring.
Djinns are beings much resembling human beings, some inhabiting the realms under the sea.
Besides the creatures of fire and the inhabitants of water there were also spirits of air and earth.
They are very long lived and can be either male or female, or both.
It is presumed the Jinn reproduce much like humans do, although some legends state their numbers are fixed and Genies neither marry nor mate.
A Genie will serve willingly if well-treated and given respect.
They are natural shape shifters, and can take on the appearance of anything, while their natural form depends on their nature. Good Genies are handsome and beautiful with only the tell-tale eye color to tell them apart...........
red-Fire, blue-Water, gold-Earth, no pupils-Air

The art of summoning and controlling spiritual beings is nearly a lost art. This is by design and for a good reason, since the knowledge is most dangerous in the wrong hands.

I truely hope you find what you are seeking. Mike