40, 30, and 17 Meter - Fan Dipole - Half-Wave Amateur Ham Radio Antenna
- Condition : New
- Dispatch : 4 Days
- Brand : None
- ID# : 210227031
- Quantity : 9 items
(still available: 9) - Views : 125
- Location : United States
- Seller : RadiomanAntennas (+1)
- Barcode : None
- Start : Thu 30 Nov 2023 13:34:57 (EDT)
- Close : Run Until Sold
- Remain : Run Until Sold
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Seller's Description
Half-wave Fan Dipole antenna for 40, 30, and 17 meters. The 40 meter legs measure approximately 33 feet, 5.14 inches (33’ 5.14”) on each side. The 30 meter legs measure approximately 23 feet, 2.02 inches (23' 2.02") on each side. The 17 meter legs measure approximately 12 feet, 11.41 inches (12' 11.41") on each side. Elements will be arranged from top to bottom as large to small (40, 30, then 17.) Made from high quality 16 AWG stranded insulated wire. Run your feed line with a PL-259 up and connect in to the SO-239 on the bottom. Color of wire insulation varies.
Thanks for looking!
I know there are so many listings and varieties that I have posted now, so if you're not seeing the antenna size or fan combination that you're looking for, just message me and I will give you a quote... or I'll give you the item number to punch in, if it happens to be one I already have posted somewhere out here.
Listing Information
Listing Type | Gallery Listing |
Listing ID# | 210227031 |
Start Time | Thu 30 Nov 2023 13:34:57 (EDT) |
Close Time | Run Until Sold |
Starting Bid | Fixed Price (no bidding) |
Item Condition | New |
Bids | 0 |
Views | 125 |
Dispatch Time | 4 Days |
Quantity | 9 |
Location | United States |
Auto Extend | No |
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