Topps ENGLAND 2012 Stickers: No.21 - Defender: Jones (Phil)
Topps ENGLAND 2012 Stickers: No.21 - Defender: Jones (Phil)

Topps ENGLAND 2012 Stickers: No.21 - Defender: Jones (Phil)

Ship to United States : £2.55 ($3.35)
Total : £3.45 ($4.53)

Max. available : 4
Location : United Kingdom - GBP(£)
Prices in USD($) are estimates
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  • Condition : New
  • Dispatch : Same Day
  • Brand : Topps ENGLAND 2012 Sticker Collection
  • ID# : 207668470
  • Barcode : None
  • Start : Fri 08 Apr 2022 14:01:02 (EDT)
  • Close : Run Until Sold
  • Remain :
    Run Until Sold
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Seller's Description

Topps ENGLAND 2012 Stickers: No.21 - Defender: Phil Jones.

Brand new, straight out of the packet.

Postage is only 86p for upto and including 50 stickers. Postage can be combined on all orders.

The stickers for this collection by Merlin are now obsolete and near impossible to acquire, hence the price stated.

Listing Information

Listing TypeFree Listing
Listing ID#207668470
Start TimeFri 08 Apr 2022 14:01:02 (EDT)
Close TimeRun Until Sold
Starting BidFixed Price (no bidding)
Item ConditionNew
Dispatch TimeSame Day
LocationUnited Kingdom
Auto ExtendNo

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