V. Fedorchenko The Russian Empire in Perspectives. Encyclopedia of Biographies I

199,00€ ($219.56)
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  • Condition : Used
  • Dispatch : Same Day
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  • ID# : 222454151
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  • Start : Wed 03 Jul 2024 01:37:32 (EDT)
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Seller's Description

V. Fedorchenko The Russian Empire in Perspectives. Encyclopedia of Biographies In Russian/V. Fedorchenko Rossiyskaya imperiya v litsa. Entsiklopediya biografiy The Imperial House series opens with a two-volume encyclopedia that includes the biographies of thousands of Russian statesmen and military figures who directly influenced the fate, development, and historical path of the country between 1700 and 1917. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb85ba0f457106bb39.

Listing Information

Listing TypeFree Listing
Listing ID#222454151
Start TimeWed 03 Jul 2024 01:37:32 (EDT)
Close TimeRun Until Sold
Starting BidFixed Price (no bidding)
Item ConditionUsed
Dispatch TimeSame Day
Auto ExtendNo

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